If you are ready to work on your own car, check its serviceability. Might have something to upgrade or repair, so you do not waste time and money during downtime.
Check if your documents (driving license, pass inspection, registration). Typically, the driver requires a driving experience (from 5 years). Be prepared for the fact that you will have to learn. It makes sense to get the rights from all categories. So you will increase your chances to get a good spot.
Take care of your appearance. Especially if you want to get a personal driver or a driver of a taxi. Neat hair, neat clothing, well - groomed- your trump card over other applicants.
Learn to control your bad habits. Not every passenger will like it if the driver will smoke in the cabin. About alcohol and say nothing - at the time of the work will have to forget about it.
Now is the time to act. Call on the ads, check with friends to see if you someone the driver. If all the above rules you are guaranteed success.