To avoid white fever, do not drink at all or do not drink alcohol for a long period of time. For long-term remission enough to go to the doctor-the psychiatrist and undergo a course of drug therapy and psychotherapeutic treatment. If you had happened to delirium tremens, you will not be able to avoid it again. Every manifestation of white fever will be more severe.
If, nevertheless, there was a breakdown, do not attempt to bring alcohol drinking pickle juice, tea, broth. It helps only in the case if you drank once, and the next morning feel the signs of intoxication. Prolonged drinking bout these funds can not prevent the appearance of white fever.
Please call an ambulance and without the slightest delay, without waiting for the first symptoms of auditory or visual hallucinations, go to a psychiatric or drug treatment clinic. If you don't want to go to government health facility, call the experts of the private clinics. You will hold an emergency therapy, which will help to quickly remove alcohol and its breakdown products from the body to maintain respiratory and cardiac function. Remember that delirium tremens is threatened with a fatal outcome. It is necessary to know the families and loved ones of the alcoholic.
After removal of intoxication, consult a doctor-psychiatrist for further treatment. Alcoholism is a serious chronic disease that cannot be cured completely, but to achieve a period of stable remission for everyone. For the treatment are antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers. Treatment regimen and dose for treatment individually for each patient. Currently, the widely used coding methods, acupuncture, reflexology, psychotherapy.