You will need
  • - "Book Of RA" A. A. Tyunyaev;
  • the values of the letters.
Examine the values of the letters in the "Book of RA" to search for an ancient sense of the word. Make a note of your desired term or name consonants from left to right. Make a phrase using the following formula. The first letter is subject to or the subject of the second verb or action. The third consonant is the object, which is exposed to the active face of the first sign. Fourth, in turn, implies the third, which takes place over the value of the fifth letter. And then by the same logic. Vowels are not considered, because it is believed that an ancient letter was only "consonant" that is, the letter displayed only consonants.
Decode any name using the values of the letters. Note the interpretation of the symbols, included into it. Make of them one sentence or more detailed description of the man. Work on wording. Do the same with the hypocoristic forms of the name. Compare and check out what they similar and what is different. A large number of possible cuts in the name means the diverse impact on people. In other words, the mi, and suggests the diversity of personality.
Break the word into syllables or other parts that can make sense. Can add the obvious end, to clarify the meaning. For example, aristocrat – arias-STO-Krat – a man who has a hundred times larger moral character.
Play comic in decoding words. Involved several players. The presenter chooses a word, the next player decrypts it on the letters turned out more or less meaningful sentence. Each letter is responsible for own word. For example, the word "table" - "fight only tin spoons." The word at the end of the transcripts goes to the next player for the same operation. The letter can become not only in word but in preposition or particle. And "e" can replace the "e" and "s" at the end of words can be skipped or read as "and". Play until you get bored.