To adjust the door, you need Allen keys for two and a half, three, four and five mm. you should Also get a cross screwdriver and flat, just in case.
To adjust the door at any time: a long time after the installation of the door (when it is already worn out) or almost immediately after its installation. If the door is not yet installed, do it. On each side of it should be at least four mounting points. The door is "raw" will probably not work quite as you would like. Configure the circulation of the doors with screws located in the door hinges. Such screws are usually three pieces.
To get to the adjusting screws it is possible only by removing the pre-protective decorative cover. Open this door wide open, and on the other side of the hinge hexagon socket 3 mm, loosen the locking screw. Close the door and remove the covers. Beneath them among other things, you will see a long screw positioned horizontally. With this screw the door is adjusted horizontally.
Tightening the screws the two top loops, you can lift the edge of your door. Adjustment of all three loops will allow you to move the door left and right. Sometimes it is necessary to lift the door leaf for a short distance. For this purpose, there is a screw hiding in the bottom of the loop and adjustable hexagon socket 5 mm.
Upper and lower door strikers adjustable with hexagon 2.5 mm or flat screwdriver (in another version). Phillips screwdriver adjustable strap main gate, which is located in the middle.