You will need
  • - stationery;
  • computer;
  • - Internet;
  • address territorial authority of the interior Ministry in your area.
At the top of the sheet on the left side write the name of the territorial body of internal Affairs in your area that will apply. Also specify your surname, name, patronymic, passport details, physical address, contact details such as home and cell phone, Fax, e-mail address.
Lower, centered, write "the Statement on the theft of the money".
In the main text describe the incident in any form. Specify in what time period and where money was stolen. Precise, we are talking about theft of cash or non-cash from the Bank card. If you suspect someone of committing this crime, give information about that person or persons.
At the end of the statement and state the request to initiate a criminal case on the fact of stealing money and found guilty. To refer to the provisions of the act is not required. In addition, ask them to inform you a number which will be registered in your statement.
Sign the statement, set the current date. If the document is served from the organization, it is signed by its head, the signature certified by a seal.
Apply to the territorial body of internal Affairs for his district personally or through an authorized representative, in which to issue a power of attorney. You can also send the application by mail, Fax.
If you prefer to contact the police via the Internet, please visit in the section "Urgent communication" select the link "Inform the police". Then in the box that appears, select the Agency "Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia". Read the rules, check the bottom of the page opposite the words "I have read and agree with the rules and procedures applying to the interior Ministry." Fill out the electronic form. Please note that fields marked with an asterisk are obligatory to filling.