You will need
  • - sedative;
  • - food low in protein;
  • - "Gallop";
  • - "Mastometrin".
A couple of days before the kittens be separated from the mother, limit the fluid intake of animals to a minimum. Also reduce the diet belkovosoderzhaschih and dairy products. Try these days to feed the cat cereals, it is advisable to make a choice in favor of buckwheat.
Start to give the cat a sedative. Parting with offspring – a great deal of stress, prepare your home favorite for it in advance.
Immediately after weaning kittens from the mother, remove from the animal food and liquid for 12-18 hours. Try to compensate for the absence of its own attention and care. More play with your cat, spend time with him. If the nipple begins to swell, apply a cabbage leaf to the tumor.
Continue to give a sedative. After 12 hours, inspect the cat, and especially mammary glands. If the nipples are soft and the animal is behaving normally, not showing signs of weakness, give some water and food, low protein.
If the cat leads a normal life, paying games and sleep the same amount of time as before, we can expect an improvement. Stable physical condition of the cat with no swelling of the mammary glands suggests that lactation is suppressed gradually. Continue to keep the animal on the diet until the complete disappearance of the milk. Receiving sedative medication should be stopped.
If the weaning of the kittens was accompanied by swelling of the nipples and lethargy nursling, you need to start antibiotics and drugs that suppress lactation. For example, buy the drug "GameStop" and injection "will Mastometrin". "GameStop" you want to apply for 4-6 days with food 3 drops per 1 kg of animal weight.
At strong deterioration of a cat, with such manifestations as fever, excessive sleepiness, and a sharp increase in the size of the breast, immediately contact your veterinarian. Possible occurrence of mastitis is extremely dangerous for animal life and requires surgical intervention. The protracted course of the disease can lead to sterilization and removal of the nipple.