Find the address of branch of the Pension Fund of Russia, located closest to the place of your actual residence at the time of reaching retirement age. 'It is possible to learn in help service or on the website of the FIU. Thus, it does not matter whether you have registration by place of residence in the region. In that case, if at the time you reach retirement age you are and constantly live in territory of the Russian Federation, fill out the online request form on the website of the Department of the FIU ( or send an email to the address: the Russian Federation, Moscow, Godovikova street, house number 9.
When applying write a statement of purpose you labor pension. A sample application is in any branch of the Pension Fund of Russia and on the website ( The statement should include their personal details, the date to put a personal signature.
The application shall enclose the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation, pension insurance card with your individual number (SNILS), labor book and other documents that can confirm your experience, information on the amount of your earnings for the last 6 months, a certificate confirming the change of surname, name and patronymic, if this happened, the "pink" help VTEK on the presence of disability, proof of dependency. In addition, if you make labor pension not at the place of registration, you must provide proof of your actual residence. You can get in the passport office, the management of a hotel, hostel and so on.
Within 10 days your application is to consider and assign pension benefits. In case of refusal you have the right to go to another branch of the Pension Fund of Russia, to the leadership of the territorial office or the parent organization of the FIU or the court.