You will need
- - test to determine pregnancy;
- - mercury thermometer.
Note, not whether there has been an increase in appetite or may be experiencing taste changes. The body is in a state of pregnancy able to claim missing him minerals, so often there is a desire to eat something special.
A few days after possible conception note on his chest. Breasts with pregnancy are preparing for lactation, so you will be able to note the seal's chest and the slight increase in size. The areola area may be darker, and the nipples become more sensitive.
In the first trimester a clear sign of pregnancy can be morning sickness. The body's reaction to hormonal changes is manifested in nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning. Therefore, poor health can be a sign of pregnancy.
Watch how quickly you get tired from the usual work. During pregnancy for a small period the body actively produces the hormone progesterone, so physical fatigue comes faster. Perhaps after lunch you want to take a NAP or some time to sit.
Pay attention to changes in the emotional sphere. If you become irritable or have mood shifts, it is also a sign of hormonal changes in the body. For this reason, you can mark causeless anxiety and excitement.
To determine pregnancy in a little time will allow the measurement of basal body temperature. In the morning after you Wake up, insert a mercury thermometer in the rectum for some time. The basal temperature from 37°C indicates a possible pregnancy.
When pregnancy occurs, menstruation ceases. So pay attention to your menstrual cycle, the delay may be obvious, but not the only symptom of an interesting situation.
Do home test for pregnancy from the first day of menstruation. Collect the middle portion of morning urine, put to it the test strip for 20-30 seconds. Put the test on a dry surface and a few minutes to evaluate the result: a single band indicates negative pregnancy tests, two that she came.
For a more accurate diagnosis of pregnancy submit to a blood test for HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). The shell of the ovum produces the hormone that is detected in this analysis.
Pass gynecological examination. An experienced specialist is able to determine pregnancy for a small period for changes in external genitals and the cervix. In any case, consultation of the gynecologist is needed even if pregnancy is absent.
Go ultrasound of the pelvic organs. The doctor will identify the presence or absence of the ovum in the uterus and determine the term of pregnancy. Also, when an ultrasound diagnosed an ectopic pregnancy. With 4-5 weeks of fetal development specialist able to give a prognosis of the pregnancy.