Enzymes - specific enzymes necessary for the implementation of quality digestive process. A grain of wheat contains large amounts of enzymes that are activated in the sprouting process of the grains.

The human body is able to synthesize enzymes, but those enzymes that people can get from food play an important role in various biological processes. Enzymes contained not only in wheat, but also in other raw food. These substances volatilize when heated above 45 degrees Celsius.
When the wheat starts to germinate, the nutrients in them increases as the biological activity contained in the enzyme granules. What nutrients are contained in a grain of wheat?
This primarily vitamins: PP, C, E, b vitamins (these are vitamins B1, B2 and B6).
Vitamin PP plays an important role in the vital processes of the body, among other things, involved in the production of hormones. Thus, the lack of this vitamin can lead to serious disorders of the endocrine system. Vitamin PP is essential for the normal activities of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.
Vitamin C, she knows almost everyone, affects the immune system, strengthening the protective properties of the organism, increasing resistance to various microbes and viruses. Vitamin C participates in the formation of muscle tissue. The lack of this element in the body synthesized protein is almost not absorbed, so that the muscles remain, in fact, no construction material. In addition, vitamin C can be called a beauty vitamin because it is responsible for the condition of the skin, making it a beautiful, shining being a stimulant for collagen production.
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, that is, slows the aging process in the body. Vitamin E affects the reproductive system, involved in the formation of muscle and regeneration of skin cells.
Also in wheat grains contain magnesium and potassium that are responsible for the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
By the time length of sprouts of wheat reaches 1-2 mm, content in the grain of wheat of vitamins, minerals and amino acids increases by 10 - 50 times.
How to sprout wheat at home without the use of special work? It's simple. On the market you need to buy wheat, since minimally processed (raw and shelled). Unrefined grains can also be sprouted, if the goal is to use only long shoots. If the food you plan to eat all the seed with young shoots, then you need to choose refined grains. Of course, the grain should not be treated with steam or chemicals.
Grain wash, put a layer of one centimeter in a small glass container, fill with water so that it covers a bit of grain. Cover the container with cheesecloth or foil, which is often done by opening. After 12 - 24 hours, drain the water. Grain by that time saturated with water, swell. Wash it carefully. The container will spolocnom clean water.
Put the grain back in the container. The water need not be added. Again cover with gauze (or foil). After 1-2 days you will see the first sprouts. Grain can be covered with a light fuzz. Don't worry, it's natural
Wheatgrass can skip through a meat grinder and used for making bread. To do this, mix the cake remaining after cooking vegetable juice, grind sprouted grain, add a little sea salt, and any dried herbs and spices to taste, spread the mass in a thin layer, up to 0.5 cm, on a plate or a dehydrator sheet and dry them in the sun or in the dryer for about 7 - 10 hours. This bread is suitable to supply raw foodists.
The wheat germ along with whole grains can also be added to cereals, salads.
When Wheatgrass reaches a height of 10-12 cm, cut them and grind into a juice, the so-called Mithras, which is rightly called the elixir of health and youth. For germination with this purpose you can use the uncleaned grain.