You will need
  • - garlic;
  • - red pepper;
  • - steel wire;
  • - vinegar;
  • - salt solution.
Known folk remedy that can help deter pests from stocks of cereals and flour – the usual garlic. Put in the container with dry food in the cloves of unpeeled garlic. Cut the garlic does not need a whole less effective, but groats and meal, will not exude an odor. Deterrent effect is also a Bay leaf, a piece of dried lemon peel.
Another popular way to protect products from bugs – to put in a container a piece of thick steel wire or a large nail. Wash them before putting them in the rump not need to do not started to rust, good enough to wipe with a dry cloth. In the pic you can put a pod of red hot pepper – it not only allow you to wind up in the rump bugs, but will help to avoid unpleasant characteristic smell, appearing in rice during prolonged storage.
Keep flour and cereals in glass or plastic containers with tight-fitting or screw-on lids. If you are doing large reserves of flour and cereals, if possible, store the main stock in a dry cool place, sprinkling a little in the tank for everyday use for the consumption.
If you prefer to store the flour and rice in canvas bags, before you pour in them food, water pouches in saline solution and air dry, do not propulsive.
Most often the bugs get into the house together with barley and flour, purchased from vendors, lack of accountability related to storage conditions of products, or purchased in bulk. Also insects can get in the bags and paper or plastic bags from other foods stored nearby – for example, open containers of dried fruit or starch. If you purchase rice and wheat or rye flour in bulk, carefully inspect the products in the pic you notice the small larvae, and the flour can be small lumps, inside of which are pupae of insects.
If you suspect that you have already purchased the products are contaminated, place of packaging, without opening, for a day in the freezer, and only after that precipice in the prepared container. Rice is thoroughly rinsed and then dried. Flour before storing, carefully screening through a fine sieve. Warm the food in the oven is possible only at low temperature, otherwise you will suffer the quality of the products.
Regularly clean the place where you store cereals and flour, mimetite leaked products, and after wet cleaning wipe interior surface of kitchen cabinets and tables with vinegar soaked cloth and dry before placing inside of packages and containers of food. Never add cereals and flour in the tank without first washing them with hot water.