Why not to pluck eyebrows

According to the Quran, to change its appearance - it's a sin. Not allowed to make any changes to the exterior, if it is not dictated by medical necessity. Visibily eyebrow, the woman changes their shape and, respectively, makes changes in appearance. Also the wrong person to ask about this procedure someone else or to pluck someone's eyebrows. Thus, fall under the ban and salon treatments, and work in a beauty salon associated with the correction of eyebrows. However, this prohibition is not as stringent as it seems. For example, you can tweeze too coarse and hard hairkey growing separately, top or bottom without changing the basic shape of the eyebrows. You can also remove the hair on the bridge of his nose, giving the eyebrows fused form, as the bridge does not belong to the eyebrows.
According to the Koran, a woman can beautify herself, but so that it does not go beyond modesty.

Is it possible to remove the hair

According to the Koran, there is nothing wrong with that, the woman removes hair on legs, underarms, pubic hair, around my nipples, on my chin. If the husband allows her to shave the hair in these places, sin is not here. According to the Qur'an men and women need to remove hair around the places where they grow in abundance. To fire - the ideal man - is the trimming a mustache, letting go of the beard, brushing the teeth, rinsing the nose, clipping the nails and, besides all this, plucking hair under the armpits and cutting of pubic hair. Thus, removal of excess hair is not only prohibited, but is desirable.
To follow their appearance is the responsibility of Muslim women. It should always look clean, neat and smelling nice.

What are the procedures allowed Muslim women

In fact, the rules of the Koran are not as strict as it may seem. For example, Muslim women can sunbathe, but only if no one sees. You can use the Solarium or go to the country with her husband. Also Muslim women can do a haircut or Perm hair, dye hair, but not black. The perfect colors are considered natural henna and Basma. Malocclusion and implant dental implants are also not a sin. Muslim women can even lightly draw the eyes, if you do not change their form, but should use only antimony. However, a more significant transformation of the exterior are prohibited. This includes the hair extensions, lip augmentation and chest tattoos, as well as work in this area. Replacement tattoos Muslims are the patterns of henna - mehndi. They are applied on the hands and feet or all over the body. These drawings are washed away in 1-2 weeks, so not equal to the change in appearance.