If you bought the car in another region, contact the traffic police Department to remove it from the register and to the transit rooms. However, you will need to re-register the car (in your region) not later than 5 days from the date of purchase, otherwise you will be fined.
If you are moving for family or business circumstances in another region, then retire the car at the previous place of residence is not required. On arrival at the new place of residence, contact the traffic police, imagine all the car documents and passport with a new residence. Everything else must be done by the employees of traffic police.
If the numbers on your machine inoperable in the accident, then you have to first contact the insurance company to pay you insurance. Then you will have to repair the machine and re-pass inspection. Then the staff of the insurance service can again conclude the contract of insurance. And only then will you be able to apply to the traffic police for permission to obtain a duplicate copy rooms.
If the numbers on your car has worn with time, please contact the police with a statement on the new numbers. Attach to the application a copy of the passport and registration certificate for the car. Get permission to obtain a duplicate copy rooms.
If you live in Moscow, you will be directed to the factory "MARK" for the new numbersmi, where you present this permit along with a receipt of payment and within one or two days will receive a brand new room. In other regions you will have to wait longer, unless you contact one of the private firms in agreement with the ATC manufacturer offer. Be sure to ask the company Manager to show you a copy of the agreement before you apply for a replacement room. If no such agreement, then such a firm is better not to have any joint Affairs in order to avoid further trouble with the law.