To replace the video background, you must shoot the desired shots on a plain and uniform background (green or blue) and then in the processing of video to use the Chroma Key effect in Sony Vegas program Pro.
The captured video will be download in Vegas Pro and then run the Chroma Keyer effect by selecting it from the list of basic effects. Then, to make a more subtle and thoughtful setup, disable the effect in the Video Event FX window.
Take in the toolbar of the eyedropper in the preview window click on the color backgroundthat you want to retrieve from the video. Re-enable Chroma Keyer, to green background has disappeared. However, to end the background is not removed.
In order to completely get rid of background and to prepare your videos to overlay on the new background, then set the option Show mask only. In the mask mode to view which objects are black and which are white. The background that you want to delete, should be as black, no white and grey inclusions.
Modify remove background in mask mode – this setting adjust the high threshold. The result of the correction of the main video object should be completely white and the background should be completely black. Then adjust the low threshold to eliminate the remaining fragments of the background.
Be careful that the edges of the main object of the video was not injured. Disable the mask mode. Apply to the video effect, Chroma Blur and set the maximum value to blur the edge of an object and get rid of the colored halo, which may be left from removal of the background.
Restart Chroma Keyer and set a small value of the Blur Amount. Put video on a new background.