Approaching the table where I write notes, look around. Some of the temples, caring for the congregation, prominently post the rules of making a scrapbook. You may be asked to make a list of names on the letterhead, pre-entitled "For health" or "For the dead". You will only need to write on them the names of family and friends.
Some parishioners prefer to make notes at home, in a relaxed atmosphere – it is easier to focus and not forget anyone from the family. In the big Church holidays such an approach is justified – sometimes in those days, to the table to scrapbook can be difficult to approach.
Write the names clearly legible handwriting. If you doubt that your writing style will understand, make a note in block letters. Use a pen with bright ink. Write down the names in a column, pointing them in the genitive.
Find out beforehand how to write a secular names. Instead of Sergey specify Sergei, Polina replace Appolinario and Oksana – Xenia. If the baptized person got a different name, make a note of it. Do not abbreviate the names, use their full form, even if we are talking about children.
The notes are not listed patronymic, surname, degree of kinship, titles and military rank. However, the special notes in some cases allowed. For example, mentioning children, you can specify "baby" (if we are talking about a child up to 7 years) or "boy" (to treat children up to 15 years). You can write a note on the health or the repose of the warrior, "prisoner", "travelling", "monk" or "nun". If we are talking about the priest, it is allowed to specify his orders, in whole or in clear decline.
Making funeral note, check the "deceased", if the date of death less than 40 days, "the late" (deceased, having memorable dates to a specific day) or "murdered". Note that in the notes for the repose of the taken to indicate only the dead, baptized in the Orthodox Church.