National sign – the fallen icon
The person who found the fallen icon, immediately thinks about possible bad news. It is connected with the ancient belief that God thus warns of death or serious illness of someone close relatives.
In addition, the fallen icon could Herald a less tragic but still sad changes – setbacks, bad news, a series of misfortunes and troubles. However, this sign is ambiguous in its interpretation. The Church does not approve of everything connected with magic and witchcraft. Omens is a superstition that also not accepted by the Church. That is why, a believer will never suffer in expectation of troubles, and will pay more attention to the mount or the stand.
If during the fall the icon is crashed, it must be attributed to Church and ask the priest. Never dispose of consecrated and religious items in the trash.
In some sources it is possible to meet the assumption that the fallen icon may hint to the owner about his mental or moral decline. In this case it is necessary to go to Church and repent their sins. Words of apology should say and the icon itself.
Signs the Church appreciates as a sign of "evil" in which evil forces are preventing people to perform good deeds. For example, if a person goes on the road or conceives any good deed, a fallen icon can largely change its mood and plans. Psychologically people will have to wait for trouble and, quite likely, will refuse from doing things that could only bring joy and happiness.
What to do if the icon has fallen
If you find that the icon has fallen, then first of all try not to think immediately about the poor. First, objectively assess the situation. Drop the icon, maybe because of poor attachment, or too smooth surface. If your home has animals, birds, or little children, they could be the cause of her fall because of their negligence or inattention. Maybe you are, wiping the dust, for example, accidentally touched the icon. In such situations, to think about the warning from above, not too logical. It's a banal everyday situation that could happen to anyone.
If the icon falls in your dream, interpreted this dream as a warning of complete failure.
Second, if you are unable to determine the cause of the fall of the icon, and mental anguish do not leave your imagination, use old method. Gently lift the icon, slightly to Pat her hand and kiss it. The way you need to put or hang at the same place or choose a new, more secure location.
Not superfluous to the Church. Try to find exactly the image that was depicted on your icon and put a candle to him. If you don't know the special prayer, we can repent of our sins and to read the "our father". Ideal – confession and communion.