Saskatoon is a fast-growing shrub, its bushes can reach a length of 3-4 meters. Delicious fruit with a bluish bloom a bit like black currant. Berry bushes good fruit, and to propagate the Irga can be by seed, root sprouts, dividing the Bush.

Undemanding plant requires no special care, but loves the sun. Therefore, to plant shrubs is best in open areas. Irga resistant to various diseases and pests, is not afraid of rocky, sandy soil, so grow it in the country – is a pleasure.

The nutrients contained in the game

Dark blue berries of amelanchier – a storehouse of vitamins C, e, b group, fiber, some trace elements, pectin. It's pure carbohydrates consisting of fruit has no fat and protein, there are the berries in large quantities without fear to get better.
100 g of amelanchier contains about 45 calories.

Along with ascorbic acid, in the game contains a lot of antioxidants that increase the resistance of human body against infections, stress and other adverse factors. Berry prevents the development of cancer. And due to the content of pectin this product removes from the body toxins, lowers cholesterol.

To use game as food in fresh form or as juice. Vitamin P, which are rich in berries, especially useful for elderly people and children due to the fact that it strengthens the immune system, makes blood vessels flexible, improves sleep. Irga is used for the prevention of atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Interesting facts

To grow the game, although can be more common wild-growing shrubs. Round berries ripen in July-August except them, can be used for therapeutic purposes, the bark of the plant, flowers, leaves.

Healing Irga maintains the taste quality of cooked and dried, so if you want to stock up on vitamins for the future, is to dry the berries in the sun or freeze them. From Saskatoon, you can also prepare juice.

It is noteworthy that juicy berry is especially useful in diseases of kidneys, blood vessels and liver. Therefore, it can be eaten as a preventive measure. Juice shadberry excellent disinfectant, whereby it is recommended to drink angina. You can use the liquid for treatment of purulent wounds, mouthwash in case of problems with the gums.
Although Saskatoon has almost no contraindications, under reduced pressure it is better to eat in small quantities.

Berry has a powerful sedative effect, so be careful, going on a journey or working with complex mechanisms. Although, to show a calming effect, you need to eat ripe Saskatoon.