Specialized centers that help those who wish to master the art of yoga, in Moscow quite a lot. However, not everyone can afford to visit their fee – fees for classes are quite high. Yoga in Moscow is completely free, it is only necessary to study all the proposals.

Free yoga classes throughout the summer (until September 30) are held in the Park. Gorky. Here classes are held under the open sky, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage. On the one hand, fresh air, beautiful views to the seafront, with another chance of rain or extreme heat, strangers, noise. For vacationers offers changing rooms and a beach shower, all the participants handed out the mats.

Review the handouts Moscow yoga centers – often in large centres are free seminars and classes. Here you can understand the level and ability to work with an experienced instructor to learn the basic moves. Of course, the main goal of these classes is to attract new customers, for the second and subsequent visits will have to pay.

Can be effective yoga online. These activities are usually free and you can choose the location – at home, on the street or in the Park. All you need is your computer or phone with Internet connection. With no pressure from the teachers there – you can postpone or resume the study of yoga at any time.

Another way to practice yoga at home – download from the Internet or buy a CD with video lessons. In addition, there is special literature on the topic of yoga, it can also be an effective tool for learning this science. To start an independent study is not always easy without an experienced teacher for many it is difficult to understand, but desire and persistence will help you to overcome everything.