You will need
  • - gym;
  • - incline bench;
  • - rod;
  • - dumbbell.
Conduct a thorough warm-up before training with weights. It is necessary to properly prepare the muscles for the upcoming workload. In any case, do not proceed with the work with the weight on cold muscles. Jump rope for 5-7 minutes. Do some push-UPS. Mash of arms, legs, chest. Follow the twists and turns the housing in different directions. Now you are ready to deal with the iron.
Perform bench press on a flat bench. It should be installed at an angle of 45 degrees. This is the perfect location for pumping of the upper part of the chest. Immerse the rod with a small weight. Lie on the bench and take the shell grip at the top. Remove it from the racks and slowly lower until it lightly touches the chest. On the exhale, squeeze the bar. Repeat 9 more times. Perform 4 sets.
Make wiring of the dumbbells on the bench. The shells should match your weight. No need to take too heavy dumbbells in the first stage. You need to hone it is the technique of the exercise. Take the dumbbells in hand, lie on a bench and lift them up over your head. On the inhale, spread the shells in hand to the pain threshold. On the exhale return to the starting position. Make thus 10 repetitions and 4 sets.
Use a special device for the pumping of the upper part of the chest. In some rooms there is a "pull from yourself." It helps, again, to study the topography of the upper part of the chest muscles. Running it from the same calculation with the same technique as the previous two exercises. Just remember that it should be done only after a couple months of work with dumbbells and a barbell.
Make hitch the chest muscles after working with the iron. Make it a practice to stretch at the end of training. First, they will promote rapid recovery and muscle growth. Secondly, it will help prevent injury and stagnation. Press one hand to the racks and pull the left part of the chest for 30 seconds. Do the same with the right part.