First of all gather information about competitors. Information about the range and prices will never be superfluous, however, at this stage should focus on the title. Write down all the involved variants to avoid repetition. Try to decide what language you want to see the name, whether it's already existing word or neoplasm.
The next step should be a detailed marketing analysis aimed at creating a portrait of a potential buyer. In the case of shop of household goods is likely to look like the ratio of 80% women and 20% men aged 20 to 50 years.
When the title is focus on the opinion and values of the biggest component from the target audience. In the case of shop of household goods in the first place to take into account is the peculiarities of perception of women. Therefore, the emphasis can be done on the house, the cosiness, the cleanliness (for example, "Clean house", "Comfort", "Dream of the mistress").
Men in the choice of store or products are more likely to focus on their quality practical or concrete result. Therefore, for them the name of the store should sound like a solution to the problem, such as "Quick and clean", "Easy maid", "In a moment".
Based on the portrait of a potential buyer, decide how many words will contain the name of the store. Remember that short and simple names are easier to remember, but if the chosen option will be original and accurate, it may consist of two or more words.
Make a list of suitable options. This process can involve employees or acquaintances. The wider the choice, the more chances to find really good name for the store of household goods. Carefully evaluate each of the options granted, checking for euphony, ease of pronunciation, unambiguity of perception, compliance to the theme store.