If the headache appears in babies up to 5 years, it indicates a serious diseases. At a young age the blood vessels of the child is still very weak and thin, so the headache can not be tolerated. Child to two or three years are unlikely to be able to explain his condition, so parents should be especially attentive to the external features: pale complexion, dull eyes, broken capillaries, poor mood, and lethargy. Better to be safe and consult a doctor.

There are many causes of headache in children. Knowing them, parents can take action to reduce contributing factors. Reasons:

1) Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD).

2) Reduced or increased intracranial pressure.

3) Developing a brain tumor.

4) head Injury.

5) Food or chemical poisoning.

6) Migraines.

7) the Initial stage of epilepsy.

8) low back pain.

9) Neurosis.

10) Sinus disease.

11) Intoxication.

12) kidney Disease and urinary system.

(13) the Stress, tension and more.

Parents who are not doctors, are unlikely to be able to determine the cause of the pain. For this it is necessary to clarify the type of headache and factors affecting its occurrence. Observing the behavior of the child and also the facts are clarified in the conversation with him will help the doctor make an accurate diagnosis.

The different types of headaches

1) Primary. Occurs in the absence of symptoms of viral infections or colds. Independent and only. It includes: beam pain, tension and migraine.

2) Secondary. Is caused by bacteria, viruses, infections and injuries. Less dangerous pain passes as you recover.

Factors headaches. In primary headache it: excessive exercise, mental stress, poor diet or an allergic reaction to food, jet lag (sleep, problems with a chair). In secondary headache is: illness, rain and humid weather, strong winds and drafts, nasal sinus, not enough rest, high temperature, excess medication.