Types of schizophrenia are actually very a lot of. Not all of them are recognized scientists. Not infrequently fall into this category, virtually all mental disorders and diseases. And yet most mental health professionals have formed five types of schizophrenia, which are both separate form of the disease and at the same time relate to the classification of this disease.

The first type of schizophrenia is latent (covert) schizophrenia. It is impossible to see. She has a chronic and highly suppressed form. At first glance, nothing happens. The patient behaves like a normal person: no rowdy, no noise, does not attract the attention of some unwanted gestures or actions. But if you look closely, you can see the state of excitement, some emotional experiences, and even sociopathic signs that characterize this disease. The initiation also characterizes bipolar disorder when the person's subconscious is beyond reasonable. He thinks he is a great leader, his delusions of grandeur are endless.

Few of the scientists professionals relate to schizophrenia split personality. Most split will belong to another classification of disease. But that's what a mental illness is a consequence of schizophrenia. A split personality can lead to rash and ill-considered before the end of actions, which subsequently affect the unfortunate patient very negatively.

Paranoid schizophrenia tells about the presence of paranoid tendencies of the patient. Excessive selfishness, arrogance, constant feeling of fear for himself, fear that someone would harm such a person. It all looks harmless emotional shock, but it can lead to the accident in the PND when the continuous form with a diagnosis of schizophrenia.

Katolicheskii type of schizophrenia is considered in two forms. In the first case, the patient lies still. He can't move. At all. Even to move the arm and leg problem for him. In the second case, there is excessive activity of the patient when he runs, jumps, walks around the room and could not stop.

These types of schizophrenia, doctors determine the patient. Usually the disease get only those who turned in time to see a doctor. In the case of delayed treatment – serious complications arise and the patient becomes unenviable.