You will need
  • • 1 whole chicken weighing 2 kg;
  • • 2 bulbs;
  • • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • • 1 grapefruit;
  • • 1,5 tbsp. soy sauce;
  • • 1 tsp of turmeric;
  • • 5 sprigs of rosemary;
  • • 2 tsp ground ginger;
  • • 2 tablespoons sweet paprika;
  • • 1,5 l soda water.
Whole chicken placed in the pan, sprinkle ground ginger, pour mineral water and 1 tbsp. of soy sauce, season to desire your favourite spices, then leave to stand for 2-3 hours.
Onion RUB on a large grater and add to the bowl. Finely chop the garlic with a knife and add to the onions Certosa.
Onion-garlic mixture to season with turmeric and paprika, pour the remaining soy sauce, mix well.
After 3 hours, remove the chicken from the marinade and transfer to a baking dish. The tips of her wings to wrap the foil to when baking they don't burn. And the carcass to completely cover the mixture of spices, onions and garlic.
The second onion cut into half rings. Peel a grapefruit and divide by hand into slices and the slices cut into large pieces.
Sprigs of rosemary and gently place inside the carcass. Behind rosemary there too tight to invest half rings onions and grapefruit sections, alternating between them.
Then place the chicken to cross and bind, thus closing the hole stuffed carcass.
Prepared the chicken once again to lubricate the onion and garlic mass and send for 35-40 minutes in oven preheated to 180 degrees. This time will be enough that the meat is cooked, filled with juice of grapefruit, soaked with aromas of spices and vegetables.
After this time the chicken with grapefruit and rosemary remove from the oven, place on a dish, decorate with any greens and serve.