How to call from a hidden number MTS
You can call from an unknown number of MTS using the service "caller ID". To enable it, dial from your phone *111*46# or use the "Internet Assistant". To undo one action call the service "caller ID", enter the combination *31# +7(phone number) and press call.
To call from a hidden number MTS can be one-time. For this cell dial *111*84#. Then enter the desired number using the familiar combination of "#31# +7(subscriber's number) and "call". Ending the call, disconnect a service the same as turning it on.
How to call from a hidden number Megaphone
To call from a hidden number a Megaphone, use the system "Service-Guide" or enter your number in the appropriate form in the special on the website of the operator, then click "Connect". Your phone will receive the SMS-message to confirm services. Give a positive response using the attached instructions.
To connect CLIR on the Megaphone without the help of the Internet. To do this, send a blank message to the number 000105501 or use the command *105*501#. You can temporarily make the room visible for calls to a specified destination by typing the desired number in the command *31#(the phone number) and "call".
To hide the number on a Megaphone only once, activate in phone settings to disable the use of your room, and then dial "#31#(number) and "call". Once the call is completed, return the phone settings to its original state.
How to call from a hidden number Beeline and Skylink
Beeline subscribers can call from a hidden number by dialing the combination 06740971 and "call" or command *110*071#. To disable the ban on caller ID for one call, enter the combination *31#(number).
You can also call from the hidden Skylink via a personal account on "Skypoint". An alternative way is to call 555 and follow the instructions of autoinformer. For single restrict the number enter *52(phone number) and press call button. During the service antiopredelitel by Skylink, you can return the definition of the phone for one session, if you dial the number as *51(number).