In addition to the unexpected hair colors, non-compliance may lead to disruption of the structure of the hair. Because of this, the hair can become brittle and split. And can begin even hair loss. To avoid this, hair should start with learning the rules.

How to repaint black hair

Repaint black hair in a different hue — the most complicated dyeing process, even for professionals. Oddly enough, even red shades are easier to stain than black. So immediately you need to prepare yourself for the fact that the process will be difficult and long.

The first way to repaint the black hair is to contact an experienced colorist. For 1-3 months it will lighten your hair each time for a few tones, while the color will not be suitable for repainting to the desired shade.

You can make coloring or bleaching hair with the subsequent staining of these strands. Then the transition from black hair will be soft and gradual.

At home you can gradually paint the roots of the hair as regrowth. But this process will be very long. But gentle hair.

Coloring blond hair

Blonde hair recolor easier. After all, they have no need to lighten. But do not forget about the useful nuances. Hair can be painted in one tone, and make the weave or coloring in order to give structure to the hair.

Dyeing red hair

Red shades for any repainting, in addition to black, leaving the pigment on the hair. And if not pre-lighten the hair or not to do a wash, the final color will be with the presence of a rusty color.

Remover is a gentle option bleaching dyed hair. Keep it to a certain instruction time, and apply evenly. Therefore, to carry out a wash with the best assistant. Otherwise, you can stay spotted. Don't be alarmed if after washing the hair will become acid red or yellow color. The process should repeat as long as the shade will not be smooth and quiet. Only by achieving such a result can be directly coloring your hair.