That should contain the opinion of the supervisor

The opinion of the supervisor can greatly affect the final result of protection of qualifying work. Scientific leader knows student or graduate student for a long time, so he is able to objectively assess the knowledge and level of research. Depending on the type of work that written opinion, there are some design rules.

Feedback on thesis

Thesis – the first serious study in the academic life of the student, which is the result of long labour. Feedback on the thesis by volume should be no more than 2 pages of A4 format. The Director briefly analyzes the final work of a student, indicating the most important points. The opinion starts with specifying the type of work, for example: "review of thesis" or "opinion about theses...". Further spelled surname, name, patronymic written work. This text is centered. In the main text definitely refers to the theme urgency, novelty, the degree of literacy in the presentation of the material, that is, how logical and consistent it was. As an example, one could argue, prove a student and the main results. Separately noted the ability of the students to use literary sources, the completeness of elaboration of the topic, the main research technique. If the leader wants to emphasize the autonomy of the student in the writing work, then he can write about it in the opinion. At the end put a "good" or "excellent", which is not final, but can significantly affect the opinion of the reviewer.

Opinion on the thesis

In reference to the dissertation, there are no significant differences from the similar document for the thesis, however, there are some features. First, in addition to the above substantive parts, the message text, you must specify the further research, the degree of theoretical and practical applications of the work, the number of scientific articles on the research topic. Second, separately noted the contentious issues that need to finalize the dissertation. Comments should not be categorical and spoil the overall impression of the work. Better if they are written in the form of discussion questions, as the master's thesis is a complete scientific research and involves the description of the material from the different scientific points of view.

The opinion concludes with a recommendation to protect the appropriate academic degree of candidate of Sciences. Next, you must put the supervisor's signature, his surname, name and patronymic, position, academic degree.