Read the abstractof th thesis. Just check the advantages and disadvantages of work. Even if you are going to write a negative review, criticism should be constructive and conclusive.
Complete your title. The word "Opinion" position on the page, at the top. Next, write: "author's abstract of dissertation...". The next line specify the surname, name and patronymic of the applicant. Press Enter. Specify the topic of the thesis. Again, press Enter. Write: "to the degree...". The last line in the header, specify the specialty. After that select menu in Word tab in the "Paragraph" item "Align left" or "justified". Back 2 lines of the title and start writing a review. The standard volume of from 0.5 to 2 pages of A4 (font Times New Roman, 12 PT, 1 interval).
Please rate the degree of importance of research for solving modern scientific, practical and methodological problems. Determine whether interest to specialists and non-specialists selected by the applicant subject. Write, call or no doubt about the urgency of the declared problem.
Define what is scientific novelty of the work relative to similar works in this area. Rate proposed by the author of the thesis a methodology to address the problem. Write about how it is logically justified. Specify how the applicant used the already known methods for obtaining the results of the study.
Rate the completeness and accuracy of the materials collected during scientific experiments. Write about how the theoretical principles discussed by the author in the literature review and the research was applied in practice. Give examples of how he uses traditional and innovative methods. Specify meet or do not meet the received applicant data the existing regulations fundamental and practical disciplines.
Write about the merits of the work. Rate the importance to the science and practice of results of research, experimental and methodological basis. Determine the level of professionalism of the applicant. If an author puts into circulation some concepts and formulations, indicate how well he does it. Separately rate the structure and presentation of work.
Write about the shortcomings of the work. They can be classified as:- the incompleteness of the conducted research;- the incompleteness of the evidence base;- the incorrectness of the language and definitions;- ignoring of traditional and emerging research in this area;- structural defects, etc.
Specify an impact given your comments on the scientific value of research and work in General. If they are only Advisory in nature, write about that. It is possible that during the preparation of the report submitted to the defense, the author will try to incorporate them.
Formulate conclusions. Specify:- whether the work is independent and complete scientific work;- whether reflected in the abstract bye all the stages of the conducted research;- whether there is in operation a sufficient amount of data to substantiate hypotheses;- whether the necessary explanations (including graphs, tables, drawings);- if given in abstracte research results, which can be classified as sound scientific, practical and methodological development;- whether the thesis all the requirements of the Regulations on the procedure for awarding academic degrees, adopted by the higher attestation Commission under Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation;- whether the applicant deserves the award of his degree.
Enter your name, surname and patronymic, academic degree and title, place of work. Print out the review in 2 copies. If you wrote it on behalf of the organization or institution, refer to the instruction manual in order to seal it. In addition, your signature must be certified by the chief of the personnel Department.