For the compilation of tickets you need to use the textbook or Handbook, which was used in the lessons is the main source of knowledge for student and student, and his notes and rules written in the notebook - additional material. When the tickets will be marked with topics that the student can find and parse tutorial, it will increase his confidence and will allow you to more safely prepare for the exam. If the teacher during the school year were given some additional tasks from other literature for required reading, this material can also be included in mandatory to pass it in oral or written form.

Preparation of questions

As a rule, initially, the teacher prepares a list of questions on all topics, traveled with the students. Usually they are between 30 and 60, but can be more. However, it is worth considering that for the successful preparation for the exam the number of questions should be reasonable so that students have time to prepare them in time. Usually the smaller the object studied or the younger the students age, the fewer questions they are given. Such a list should be given to the students in advance, and based on it to compose the exam.

First, decide how much each ticket should be no issues. If the list is not very large, it is possible to determine in each ticket for no more than two jobs, but sometimes the teachers prepare five or more questions for each student. Here you need to look at the simplicity of such tasks, the number of required tickets for a class or group, and take into account the time of preparation of the student. Because if the questions will be many and time is given only 30 minutes, the student physically may not be able to prepare them all. Moreover, it is unlikely the teacher will want to listen to each student for an hour, which is very tiring for both examinee and examiner. Therefore, the optimal number of jobs in the ticket should be designed for 40 minutes of preparation and 10-15 minutes to answer. Typically, any items missing two or three questions for one answer, in the practical disciplines the one question is a problem.

The distribution of issues

The main rule in the preparation of tickets is an equitable distribution of questions in them, without bias, that is, that all forms of the task were roughly equal in complexity. For example, a difficult task intelligently put together with an easier question. To make it not so easy, which is why many teachers assign the tasks according to some algorithm, for example, take the issues from different ends of the list, or combine them in one, divide into sections and add the tickets on one task from each section. In principle, each such distribution method is quite justified, therefore, only the teacher is left to decide what will take advantage of it. After writing the tickets they need to approve on the Department, the Director or staff meeting at school.