"Borjomi" cough

Folk medicine recommends to drink "Borjomi" dry cough. Mineral water alkaline base to soothe the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, promotes the excretion of sputum. You must consult a physician because the cough may be a symptom of such serious diseases as tuberculosis. You must realize that traditional methods of treatment – it's only supporting activities which are in any case not replace the primary therapy.

Coughing beneficial use of "Borjomi" without gases with milk. Mineral water to pour into a small container and wait until you pass gas. To speed up the process from time to time you should stir the liquid. After that, the water needs a bit to warm up to a temperature of 30 - 32oC. It is better to use a water bath. You can not put mineral water in a microwave because water can lose nutrients.

The milk need to boil, cool to a temperature of 50 ° C, and then mixed with "Borjomi" in a ratio of 1:1. Mix drink 1/3 Cup before meals three times a day. To improve taste you can add honey in small amounts. In acute sore throat, the presence of dryness in the mixture add a bit of cocoa butter or butter. "Borjomi" can be replaced by another alkaline mineral water or simply add to warm milk, a small amount of baking soda (5mg in 1 Cup).

The benefits and harms of Borjomi with milk

Taking Borjomi with milk, you can reduce the intensity of coughing, and to improve the discharge of phlegm, relieves. Mineral water allows you to create in the body an alkaline environment that kills pathogenic microorganisms. Thus, the reception warm water speeds up the healing process. Borjomi with milk can be used for inhalation. For the cooking liquid, use the same proportions – mineral water with milk 1: 1. A warm drink should be pour into the inhaler and breathe in for 5-7 minutes several times a day.

Note that mineral water with milk ingestion can cause indigestion. In young children, this tool can only be used after consulting a doctor. Mineral water is contraindicated in diseases of the lungs, accompanied by fever, disorders of cardiac activity. It is undesirable to use in diabetes, migraines, gout and arthritis.