The reasons for the development of cutaneous lichen

The term "ringworm" can uncover hidden fungal or viral skin lesions, the treatment of which is radically different. If you were misdiagnosed or the patient was self-medicating, there is a risk of worsening the skin condition and cause complications of the disease – skin lesions will become chronic.

To avoid risk, you should always consult your doctor or dermatologist. However, to be mistaken with a correct diagnosis, the doctor may even without special studies, for some types of cutaneous lichen are very similar. To clarify the diagnosis using special skin tests and microscopic examination, which is conducted in laboratory conditions, as well as the ultraviolet rays of the spectrum.

There are several types of lichen, some of which do not require special treatment – these include pityriasis rosea. This kind of skin disease go away on their own within a certain, usually long, time. It is called by disorders in the immune system of the body and the normalization condition disappears. You only need to soften the skin, sea buckthorn oil and dry zinc ointment. Other types of lichen – scaly, cutting, color are dangerous and in need of serious and long-term care.

The cure is ringworm caused by a fungal infection of the skin

These types of diseases are caused by different types of fungus, so the treatment used antifungal preparations: creams, ointments, pills. As a local therapy doctors prescribe sulfur-salicylic ointment, which has good anti-bacterial and drying effect and the sulfur - tar, which reduces inflammation and disinfects the skin.

In addition to these ointments, a good antifungal effect have "Mecasermin", "terbinafine", "drug zistan", "Yam", "Ketoconazole" and other drugs used by prescription in different dosage forms. Often, in order to obtain a rapid effect of corticosteroid ointment apply this Solution and its counterparts, but this method of treatment may be addictive, so should only be administered on strict indications.

Treatment of herpes zoster

Shingles is caused by herpes virus, so the treatment will be fundamentally different and should be based on the use of antiviral drugs in the form of ointments, gels or creams, as well as the use of drugs-immunomodulators.

Among these drugs the most famous "Acyclovir", "Garrax", "Zovirax", "Panavir" and others. In addition to antiviral therapy prescribers to improve the condition of skin and tissue regeneration, "Panthenol", "Bepanten" and their analogues.