Eat inside an alcohol solution of iodine people make all sorts of reasons. Iodine drink children and adolescents, in order to achieve higher temperatures and to obtain "lawful excuse" not to go to school. Pregnant women in this way provoke a miscarriage. Residents of areas affected by the Chernobyl accident, drank iodine to protect the thyroid gland from radioactive destruction.

The consequences

In the first two cases the use of iodine inside reaches his goal: a careless schoolboy the temperature rises to 37.5, and the woman gets rid of an unwanted pregnancy.

But these are just some of the consequences of thoughtless application of an alcoholic solution of iodine. One drop is enough to cause burns of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, larynx, esophagus and stomach.

Another unpleasant consequence is the poisoning of the body, manifested by diarrhea, vomiting, severe headache, General weakness. Severe poisoning may lead to death.

A miscarriage triggered by the iodine, is accompanied by such profuse bleeding that killed not only the fruit, but the woman herself.

How to take iodine

Iodine needed by the human body for normal functioning of the thyroid gland, to take it inside it is possible and necessary, but not in the alcohol solution.

The easiest and safest way to satisfy the body's need for iodine is to include in your diet those foods that contain it. Especially rich in iodine kelp is a seaweed, which is popularly referred to as seaweed.

Contain iodine, many kinds of fish – grouper, salmon, flounder, herring, halibut, cod (especially her liver), tuna, and seafood – shrimp, squid, oysters, crabs, scallops. Other sources of iodine, beef, eggs, milk, butter, vegetables – eggplant, green onions, garlic, tomatoes, beets, lettuce, fruits – bananas, grapes, oranges, persimmons, pineapple.

Not always the need for iodine can be satisfied with food. Signs of deficiency – fatigue, memory loss, dry skin, hair loss, shortness of breath, frequent colds. In this case, you need to take iodine tablets. What drug to choose and how to dose, the doctor advises.

In the case of radioactive exposure must be taken codomain, iodine-asset or another drug containing potassium iodide. In an extreme case, if there are no such drugs still can be taken alcohol solution of iodine, but in a diluted form – 1 drop in a glass of water. This solution needs to drink milk.