Of all indoor plants most flies don't like pelargonium (scented geranium). The leaves of the flower has a distinct odor that is enhanced if the plants just touch. The smell of geranium is not simply expels flies from the premises, he does not allow them even to enter the house, if placed on the windowsill pots with this flower.
Another effective in dealing with flies indoor plant is considered evergreen vine type of shrub is this flower called mohorana. The type has a subtle minty scent, unbearable for flies, mosquitoes, moths room.
Beautiful and original houseplant dioneya or "Venus flytrap" – the real carnivorous flower that emit smell attracting insects. Dioneya has a rosette of leaves from immediately collapsing when they sit fly.
Leafless houseplant slipway to hunt for flies in a peculiar way: incredibly beautiful flowers in the shape of stars exude in the air is very attractive to insects, the smell of rotting meat. Flies, attracted by the smell, stick to the surface of the petals covered with small, frequent fibers.
Garden plants
Among the garden plantings, the most popular castor – high, with beautiful leaves and original fruit plant. The smell of castor bean repels not only flies, but also to many other annoying human insects.
Less effectively keep away the flies and other garden plants: walnut, thuja, Laurel, juniper. Famous culinary seasoning – Basil, planted on the plot, in the flower pots on the windowsill or just spread out individual branches on the flat, will cause the flies to leave the room for a long time.
Flies also dislike Ruth – it is usually planted in boxes placed on the window sill and near manure heaps and areas for livestock. But it is important to remember that to touch the leaves of Rue, only wearing protective gloves, because the plant can cause skin irritation and blisters.
Wild plants
Wild flowers of tansy have on flies paralyzing effect. Therefore, in order to permanently banish the insects from your home, you hang in the corners of the small bundles of the plant or to make him bouquets: tansy for a long time, retains shape, color and smell.
As effectively as tansy affect flies small cut branches of most species of elderberry. The sharp smell of the leaves is unbearable not only for flies but also for mice. The most productive in the control of insects is considered the Sambucus nigra, red and grassy. The same effect on flies will have a branch of mountain ash, amelanchier, chestnut and fern.