Liquor "Pina colada" is rarely used in its pure form because it has a rich taste with a pleasant but cloying aftertaste. There are many recipes of cocktails based on this liqueur, which is a nice refresh, invigorate, or, conversely, relax.

"Peach jump"

Very invigorating cocktail "Peach leap" is prepared from two kinds of liquor. One "Pina colada", and the second any liqueur with peach flavor. Cocktail pleasantly refreshing and invigorating when consumed in moderation. In addition to the liquors you will need:
- ice chips;
- pineapple juice;
- lemon juice;
cocktail cherry.

At the bottom of a tall glass put ice chips. Pour 30 grams of peach liqueur. To it add 20 grams of "Pina Colada". Without mixing, pour 70 grams of pineapple juice, 20 grams of lemon juice. Garnish with cherry. We recommend that you drink through a straw to feel the taste.

"Pina Colada"

To prepare the cocktail of the same name liqueur, you will need only two ingredients: liqueur and pineapple juice. Mix 2 parts liqueur and 8 parts of juice. Garnish the cocktail with a straw or umbrella. To give the cocktail even more exquisite taste, you can add coconut and a spoonful of coconut milk. This cocktail is very refreshing in hot weather, has a rich taste and aroma. It refers to a category of alcoholic beverages.

This same cocktail can be made and stronger. You will need:
liqueur "Pina colada";
liqueur Malibu (or other coconut liqueur);
- pineapple juice;
- orange juice.

In a tall glass mix: 30 grams of liqueur each, with 20 grams of each type of juice. Mix thoroughly using tube cocktail. Be careful: despite the low alcohol taste, very good drink clouding his head.

"Kokomo Joe"

The cocktail relaxes well. It includes three alcoholic drink: two types of liqueur and white rum. In addition they will require:
- half banana;
- ice;
the orange slice.

Prepare "Kokomo Joe" in a shaker or blender. Mix 30 grams of liquor "Pina colada", 30 grams any banana liqueur, 20 grams of any white rum and a banana. Shake vigorously (the banana should be as crushed). Pour drink in a tall glass, add ice. Glass garnish with orange slice. This cocktail is alcoholic though, and can quickly lead to intoxication. The recommended intake is two servings.