Principles of professional make-up

The makeup of makeup artists has a number of principles:

- the proper care of the skin;
- specialized care, which includes professional mascara, tone correctors, powders, etc.;
- the selection of a suitable image.

In the hands of a professional texture and tone of your makeup will depend on the individual characteristics of the person. Depending on them and select the suitable make-up. These include color and eye shape, skin tone, hair, oval face. Type of makeup will depend on what event is going to go a woman.

Following the seasonal trends in makeup makeup artist can create the actual image, which will highlight the woman at the party, attracting the attention of others.

Feature professional makeup

Makeup artists when creating the makeup I use only professional makeup. It is very resistant and has a light texture. Professional products allow makeup to keep the face as long as a woman it will not remove itself.

Home and professional make-up differ in many ways, including by objectives. Makeup at home is aimed at elimination of all defects of the skin. Professional make-up involves the elimination of defects of the face and underline its advantages.

Makeup created by a professional, allows you to remove the redness of the skin, refreshing the complexion and to adjust its contour to hide the scars, pimples, dark circles and bags under the eyes. You need to have a lot more money than when applying make-up at home.

Professional makeup involves the gradual application of paint. First you need to clean the skin. To do this, depending on its type select the special cleanser. After this procedure, carry out the hydration of the skin. To do this, it applied the appropriate cream.

The next step is to create a base under makeup. The complexion becomes fresh and more aligned. It allows you to make the makeup more resistant. Makeup base is adjusted depending on skin condition and complexion.

Next put the concealer. It allows not only to smooth the skin, but to simulate it. Therefore, master often uses more than one tone of Foundation.

To neutralize defects in the area of nasolabial folds and around the eyes use concealers.

The next step is the modeling of the face. To give a person relief, the master applies to it with special tools.

The next step is the selection of powder. Its color will depend on the individual characteristics of the face. For example, if redness is used greenish powder.

After applying makeup base, makeup artist starts to do the eyes. This stage also involves the drawing of the eyebrows.

Next, the wizard begins to engage the lip. They applied the lipstick. If there is a need to adjust the shape of the lips, the wizard performs this task.

The final stage is the correction of the face using brightening or bronzing powder. After these procedures applied blush.

For professional makeup requires much more effort and time than home make-up. If a woman is not among business people or going to important events, it may establish a home makeover. If the situation is reversed, then it is better to seek the help of makeup artist and create a professional make-up that stands out for its brightness, durability and clarity.