You will need
  • Strawberry mustache, soil soil, water, fertilizer, and small garden trowel.
The strawberries made to transplant every three to four years. It is for such a period, berry manages to give the maximum amount of harvest. After four years, the intensity of fruiting falls, the bushes are weakened, the berries are small and not sweet. Is the so-called degeneration of the strawberry. If you notice these signs, then it's time to update the strawberries and the place where it grows.
Replant only those shrubs, whose age does not exceed two years. Older Victoria will not produce a good harvest, even if you transplant it to a new location. Before transplanting, examine the Bush: he should be healthy and undamaged. It is desirable that the upper shoots were strong, and the root system developed. The time of year to transplant does not matter. In the spring replant Victoria, which you could grow in winter in pots. And in the fall replant the young strawberry, which is formed from the tendrils of the old plants.
For transplantation will suit a calm and cloudy day without wind and rain. Good predecessors strawberries, legumes, cereals and onion culture. Before transplanting, dig the ground and make one of the following fertilizers, compost, humus, or chicken manure. Rate for one square meter: bucket any fertilizer. You can also add superphosphate and potash fertilizers. Then flatten the soil well and remove lumps. The day before the planting of strawberries cover the ground.
Prepare holes at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. Even when the plants grow, they should not interfere with each other. Lowering the shrub into the hole, ensure that the growing point remained on the soil surface. Otherwise, the plant may die. Check the spelling of penetration so not much pull for shoots, if Bush remains in the ground, then everything is fine. After the transplant, moderately pour Victoria. Do not overdo it, as excessive watering bushes can rot.
Some time after transplant put under every Bush Victoria a little wood ash. This will serve as a protection from pests and diseases. In addition, the soil can be sprinkled with sawdust: they will act as mulch material. Don't dig up the strawberries for transplanting in advance, as the roots can obotrite, then they just get dry. To preserve the roots, don't remove the ground and just sprinkle with water and place in plastic.