To be bullied is humiliating. Saying "on offended carry water" exacerbates the situation. But where did the expression and in the Russian mentality if to add to the list of humiliations additional options? It can be found only by tracing the entire path of the transformation phrases.

In the Russian language there are several variants of the proverb, and in wide use is only half the phrase. In the full version it looks like this: "on offended carry water, and the attackers fire." In addition, there is an earlier version – "on angry water carry, and blown bricks", "on angry water carry on a stubborn horse, "on angry water carry, on hot bread", "on angry water carry, on ice cold".

A surprising question – why am I a carrier

All these expressions have one thing in common – water transportation, and characteristics of the carrier. It is known that water-carriers worked on horses, therefore, it makes sense to consider the characteristics of horses, which were made of carriage.

It is clear that high-spirited young horses to take water in an open barrel without loss is not possible, so into this role out quiet, often written off the labour of horses, offended God. In this context, the traditional understanding of the phrase as a call not to humiliate himself hurt and not to become written off the labour force is relatively justified.

But how then to understand the original sound of Proverbs, keyword angry?

Why carry water for the angry

The use of synonyms, some changed the meaning of the proverb. The mere fact of the transformation of the meaning of folk wisdom are not isolated, take for example the proverb "work is not a wolf in the forest will not escape," which in modern sense means the ability to postpone the work indefinitely. In reality, the essence of the proverb is that the work is not going anywhere, and doing it will have in any case. And the meaning has changed, even without lexical changes.

With the replacement of the same key words and changed the meaning of the proverb, which in its initial meaning rather called for sober cold-blooded analysis of the behavior of an object.

Rhythmic stock of the expression on angry water carry, and inflated the bricks" allows to make an assumption about the use of the phrase as teasers. Phony in this context is inflatable tires that soften the course in the carriage of delicate cargo and wordplay – inflated, under inflated, offended.

"Hurt" Argo

There is no point to review the meaning of the proverb in the interpretation of certain categories of the population, where the "wronged" refers to the lowest category of prisoners. You can twist any most bright idea.