"Hilak Forte" prescribed for the treatment of dysbiosis, which developed after a course of hormones, antibiotics, radiation therapy or after suffering an intestinal infection. Agent used in chronic colitis, atrophic gastroenteritis. "Hilak Forte" also prescribed in the treatment of diseases of the liver and bile ducts, dyspepsia, intestinal dysfunction, allergic diseases. Analogues of the drug "Lactulose", "Atsilakt", "Baktisubtil", "Bifilar", "Bifidumbacterin","Lactobacterin"goodluck", "Legendal", "Linex", "Primadophilus", "Normate", "Protopage", "Probator", "Enteral", "Rompala".
The drug normalizes and supports balance of microflora in the intestines, normalizes the acidity in the digestive tract, stimulates the regeneration of the mucous membrane, regulates fluid and electrolyte balance in the lumen of the intestine. "Hilak Forte" creates optimal conditions for propagation of acidophilic bacteria, stimulates natural micro-organisms to the synthesis of b vitamins, vitamin K. the Drug can be used during antibiotic treatment, as it contains not ready beneficial bacteria and nutrients for growth and reproduction of beneficial microflora. "Hilak Forte" is available in the form of drops for reception inside.
Take "hilak Forte" before or during a meal. Before use, shake the bottle of medicine. The drug can be added to water, juice, tea. The course of treatment is on average 1 month. Depending on health it can be extended or shortened. The dosage depends on the age. Newborns and children up to 2 years 5-10 drops per 1 kg of weight (2-3 times per day), children aged 2 to 12 years - 20-40 drops (3 times daily). Single dose for children 12 years and for adults is 40-60 drops (3 times daily). With the improvement in this number will reduce in 2 times. Increasing the acidity of the stomach and heartburn daily dose divide into 5-6 times.
Simultaneous reception with drugs-antacids leads to the neutralization of lactic acid, part of the "hilak Forte", so its medicinal effect decreases. To avoid this, drink the medicine, not earlier than 2 hours after antacid intake. It is also not recommended to take "hilak Forte" milk and dairy products. The drug is contraindicated in individual intolerance. Its side effects are allergic reactions: itching, rash, hives.