If a new employee does not like the employer, he may, before the expiry of the probationary period to dismiss the novice. To do this, he needs to do the following: in writing (I say writing!) three days to notify the employee that he will be dismissed as not pass probation".
The paper should contain reasons why the new employee is assessed as not satisfactory. And here, I assure you, in nine cases out of ten, or you slipped a piece of paper without most of these reasons or write some nonsense. And if you are interested in staying in this job, you will be able to apply in this case to the court. If it is not complied with at least one of the above-listed points: deadline writing, specifying the grounds for believing the person does not pass the probationary period, the employee will be reinstated, and for the time that you are sued, you will be paid a salary.
If you are an employer, please note the following. First, the organization signed a new employee contract, did not indicate in the agreement a condition of probation, is considered entered into the agreement without this test. In this case, it is a General standard rule laid down in the Labour Code for terminating an employment contract on the initiative of the employer. Ie you can fire an employee or with his consent, or without it, but if the officer anything done in article 81 of the Labour code.
The second point you have, I think, caught — do not get to dismiss a competent person, just putting it out the door. Therefore, if you want to fire the lazy man or the fool in a couple of weeks after his arrival in your team, the document in which you tell him about this report, please indicate what his duties he is not doing and what the required skills he does not possess. Remember that if he calls you then in court you have to prove that you not a camel. More precisely, that camel is not for you. In other words, you will have to prove inconsistency fired position.

For this job responsibilities must be thoroughly spelled out in the instructions, and the employee made aware of them. And at dismissal, you must have proof that the newbie has not performed or poorly performed their duties.