Antibiotics for prostatitis

Many believe that to choose an antibiotic it is easy, it is enough to read the instructions. But it's not. Self-selected medicines are usually ineffective or very ineffective. Happens because most bacteria will eventually become immune to most common antibiotics and these drugs are no longer fight infection.

In order to choose the right antibacterial agent, necessary to determine the sensitivity of the causative agent of prostatitis. This is done by the laboratory, exploring the juice of the prostate or the urine of the patient. Knowing the range of antibiotics, to which sensitive selected microorganisms, it is possible to proceed to the treatment.

Treatment of bacterial prostatitis is usually carried out with antibiotics tetracycline group - "the Doxycycline and fluoroquinolones - Ciprofloxacin".

Anti-inflammatory drugs from prostatitis

To anti-inflammatory drugs from prostatitis include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They eliminate the symptoms of prostatitis: fever, pain and swelling of the prostate. Effective are rectal suppositories: "Diclofenac", "Indomethacin". Inside patients prescribed "Ibuprofen", "Ketorol". For severe pain use the "Ketorol" in the injection.


For prostatitis prescribe hormonal medications belonging to the group of estrogens "Estrone", "Microfollin and antiandrogens - "Flutin", "Androkur". They are able to reduce the symptoms of inflammation, and suppress the growth of the prostate tissue that is used in the treatment of tumors and even cancer of the prostate. But these hormone treatment have some side-effects: lower libido, cause impotence and feminization in men. The medication dosage is selected individually taking into account the condition of the patient's body and blood counts.


For treatment of prostatitis using drugs that relieve muscle spasms in the pelvic organs. These include muscle relaxants, relaxing skeletal muscles - "Baclofen" and antispasmodics, relieves spasms directly from the smooth muscle of the prostate, "But-shpa".

Alpha-blockers — drugs that suppress the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which can cause a spasm of smooth muscles of blood vessels and internal organs. "Tamsulosin is the most modern drug from this group, selectively acting on the prostate through the nervous system.

Means, improves blood flow to the prostate

Any inflammatory process is characterized by disturbance of microcirculation. Prostatitis is no exception. Impaired blood circulation in the prostate enhances inflammatory changes in the tissues of cancer, making the disease protracted. Therefore, in the complex treatment of prostatitis always using drugs that improve blood circulation - "Pentoxifylline" and "Aescusan".


For the treatment of chronic prostatitis using drugs plant-based that are quite effective and have virtually no side effects.

"Prostamol UNO" - phytopreparation obtained from the fruit of the creeping palms. Prolonged use contributes to the reduction of the inflammatory process in the tissues of the gland. Prescribed medicines 1 capsule 1 time a day. The duration of treatment is 3 months.

"Prostanorm" - an extract of medicinal herbs, manufactured in tablet form. The drug: goldenrod, licorice, St. John's wort, Echinacea. Extract has a pronounced anti-inflammatory action. Take 2 tablets 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment — 2 months.