General anesthesia or in accordance with medical terminology, General anesthesia the phenomenon of today ordinary. This method is even used in dentistry in the treatment of particularly sensitive patients. Feel anesthesia is a deep sleep, passing anesteziruta (bezbolevaya) neuromuscular and other systems of the body. Locked and "asleep" all the senses, making the person does not feel any external influences. Modern anesthesia happens 2 kinds: inhalation, when the pair of the active substance inhaled and parenteral by injection.
The main argument in favor of the hazards of the anesthesia is working, the content of narcotic components, which tend to be addictive. Medicine known cases where, with severe burns have to do 2-3 of anesthesia in the day for weeks. But none of the patients does not become an addict in the conventional sense. Yes, for several hours after anesthesia it is not excluded a state of mild "intoxication". Typically, this is caused by the involuntary influence of anesthesia on the brain and runs for 2-3 hours. This reaction is individual and modern anesthesia is extremely rare.
A secondary group of arguments - the impact on the brain. These include phenomena such as memory loss, confusion, and even the occurrence of mental retardation. Actually, the much more likely the brain can be damaged from the fears associated with the forthcoming operation - they are fraught with obsession, sleep disorders. Highly specialized tests to experimentally confirm that the ability to remember decreases after any General anesthesia, but this effect is very subtle and takes place over a period from two weeks to several months. As for retardation, the absurdity of this statement proves the operation "one day" - when the morning person comes into operation, the day is going home and the next day begin their normal activities.
There is disagreement about depth of sleep caused by the anesthesia - some argue that it is possible to see the light, others are afraid to Wake up during surgery, and some people think that you can never Wake up. The first doctors report that nothing to do with clinical death, the anesthesia does not have, at least, we can dream. Thrill-seekers, the anesthesiologist, of course, can arouse, but yourself sick ahead of time to Wake up can't. And for the foreseeable history of medicine was not the case when the patient did not awake after anesthesia.
Harm from anesthesia transient - that is, takes place within a certain time period, while kidney, blood, liver, cleaned contained in the anaesthetic substances. Important in this case and the personality of the patient - related diseases and allergies. The latter is particularly important. In order not to harm yourself, you should take care of examination by a doctor allergist. It is important not only allergies to certain medicines, but also food. Because if an Allergy will reveal on the operating table, it may be too late. Patients with asthma must be very careful in this group of patients have atypical reactions to some medications. Thus, providing the most complete information anesthesiologist will help to avoid significant harm.