What is distance learning

Currently remotely possible to get education in school, and in middle or higher professional institutions. After graduation certificate or diploma. Under distance learning means the completion of the program remotely.

To get an education so you must have a computer with Internet access. At the moment, not all schools provide such an opportunity, so we need to select the appropriate option and enter into the respective agreement with them.

Generally, to start learning you have to pass a test or other method of verification of existing knowledge. And further, to execute all agreements, providing the needed documents – in some cases only in the personal presence, in others, you can send it by email, which you will also receive your copy of the contract.

After all these procedures you will receive your login information to personal Cabinet, where you can see the entire curriculum, the results of inspections knowledge (electronic diary or record book), as well as have the ability to communicate with teachers and other students.

Depending on the educational institution training can take place independently or in conducting tutorials. It also offers free access to the electronic library.

The knowledge control in distance education

In distance education passes obligatory control of the acquired knowledge implemented in different ways.

When obtaining a compulsory secondary education the children write different checklists, essays, pass tests. Depending on the requirements of the institutions, can be rented and intermediate exams in written or oral form online. But when exams in ninth and eleventh grades, the child must be present in person at the institution where he receives his training. Otherwise, the certificate is simply issued.

If distance learning takes place in secondary and higher professional institutions, the personal presence may not be needed or only at the final exam and thesis defense - this applies to those institutions that issue the document at the end of the study state sample. In these places control of knowledge in each subject is carried out by writing a test, essay, tests over the Internet. The results can be immediately or after some time after check. Usually appointed curator - a teacher who supervises the learning of a specific person/group, and it is possible to ask questions. Performance in the form of scores and evaluations can be seen on his personal page.

Distance learning has both advantages and disadvantages. Of course, this is convenient, because no need to go anywhere, you can control the process of acquiring knowledge, are not in contact with unpleasant teachers/lecturers, but on the other hand, it is quite expensive and we need a good self-organization.