What is worth considering before visiting the pool

First we need to know what requirements are in the pool, you are going to visit.

First, check whether you need a medical certificate to the pool. This certificate about the General state of health, which confirms that you are allowed to swim and that you are not a carrier of dangerous infections. You can get help at any clinic, including a GP.

Second, the cap for the pool. The rules of visiting the pool, the presence of a swim cap may be required. You can buy in any sporting goods store. All adult swimming cap are one size.

Thirdly, goggles. Glasses are recommended for those who have a lot of dives or swims under water. They help to see what's ahead while you swim, and protect from splashes. The pool water contains chlorine, which is frequent eye contact may cause irritation and redness. Also points will be useful for those who swim under water with open eyes.

What you will need when you visit the pool

First, swimming trunks or swimsuit. From the style of swimming it depends what you are going to swim. This can be as a special suit for swimming and the usual beach swimsuit or swimming trunks.

Second, towel. In some basins can give it for a fee. Still, the first time the pool better. The towel issue in the pool, or can be from stiff fabric or from the fabric on which you are allergic, or the wrong size. Consider whether you need a separate towel for your head.

Thirdly, rubber Slippers. Around the pool is often wet: the boards splashing water, as it flows down from the people who come out of the pool. Even if the pool is constantly wiping the floor or along the sides are rubber mats, there is always the danger of slipping. Slippery can be and by the pool and in the shower. Keep in mind that floor tile, and in the fall it is easy to get an injury or a nasty bruise. Rubber Slippers will protect from falling and the cold wet floor.

What may be needed after the pool

First, the gel with the sponge. After a swim it is highly recommended to take a shower to wash off the body chlorine. Usually in the rules of the pool that says visitors need to bring soap, but instead you can take a shower gel with a washcloth. Shower take the bath accessories, you are going to use. It could be shampoo, and body scrub, and mask for the head.

Secondly, Hairdryer. Hair in the pool you can always wet, and in cold season, after swimming, there is a danger of catching cold. To avoid this, as it should dry your hair before going outside. Typically, pools have their own dryers, but with a large number of visitors their may not be enough or you will have to wait long for their turn.

Thirdly, the means to care for the skin. Keep in mind that water is very dry skin, especially chlorine, and after swimming, the skin should be moisturize.

These are the basic items that you should consider when you are going to the pool. Before his visit to recheck if all you took and did something.