You first need to understand what type of wound. If blood is drawn, it is first necessary to stop her. This can be done by using simple hydrogen peroxide. In addition, the peroxide has disinfectant properties. Because the reaction of the peroxide with oxygen reaction occurs in which bubbles of active oxygen. They are able to push out of the wound particles of dirt, microorganisms.
For disinfection suitable simple green, which does not lose its popularity for many years. It can be used if the wound has pus formation. Green paint can be treated at the edges of the damage and even inside it, while it dries well and disinfects. Not only is very deep wounds, pour green paint, because then there will be impossible to remove, in the end will have a scar with a green track.
Iodine is another popular tool for disinfection of wound surfaces. It is designed for surface treatment near the wound is not suitable for washing and does not stop the bleeding. A cotton swab dipped in iodine necessary to treat the skin around the perimeter of the wound, and then apply clean, dry gauze bandage to contamination from getting inside.
For the treatment of deep, but not bleeding wounds of suitable chlorhexidine. They can rinse the wound surface. This product is effective against most pathogens of wound infections, yeast, bacteria and viruses, its disinfectant property is a long-time action.
Wider spectrum of action possess modern drug "Miramistin". It is also produced in the solution, therefore, is suitable for washing and disinfection of various wounds. It acts on fungi, protozoa, bacteria and their spores. Unfortunately, he does not possess hemostatic properties, so a pre-wound should be treated with hydrogen peroxide, and then "Miramistin".
In the absence of all the above solutions, you can do with simple rubbing alcohol to disinfect wounds nakawatase. Alcohol is well disinfects and reduces swelling caused by penetration of microorganisms into the wound. For washing it is not recommended, as it can be harsh on damaged tissue and cause burns, especially in children.
When the wound is decontaminated, it must close with a clean bandage or gauze bandage. This will help to dry the inflammation and prevent new microorganisms.