The first signs

Psoriasis begins with the destruction of an area of the skin. It appears a rash of very small bright pink or red spots papules, initially measuring just a few millimeters. This can result in a feeling of weakness, fatigue.

Have psoriatic rash there are three varieties. Papules are point less pills vitamins; like a drop of water; in the form of coins up to 5 mm in diameter.

Characteristically, they are covered with plaques, which form a plurality of flakes of dead skin cells. The first scales appear in the center of the plaque, then they are becoming more and they cover the entire surface. Sometimes around rash you can see a thin pink ring – it delineates the scope of the inflammation. Outside of the ring, the skin remains healthy.

Scales easily adelayda, exposing a bright red glossy surface of the papules, is a network of capillaries. They are well visible because the top layer of skin is very thin.

Psoriatic rash in their form can be similar to a ring, an arc, a garland or a map of the continent with jagged outlines. She rarely appears on the mucous membranes of the genitals and often on the elbows, waist, head.

Psoriasis of the head

At first, it affects the fibrous part of it. If you pull out strands of hair, you can see that towering over the skin pink or reddish plaques covered with scales. Because they are easily separated from the plaques, they can be mistaken for dandruff. The hair thus is not affected.

Gradually the zone of distribution of the rash expands. Psoriasis can extend beyond the scalp and then spread over the smooth skin behind the ears, on the neck. This process usually happens quite quickly.

Palmar-plantar psoriasis

In these areas of the body layer of the skin much thicker. Here the disease manifests itself differently. In its initial stage in these places are formed of transparent vesicles, which gradually turn white. And later instead, they remain dark scars. Leather ogrubevaet, it becomes a network of cracks.

Most often, these phenomena occur on the palms and feet simultaneously. Although plaque can be formed only on the feet or just on the palms. Sometimes another form of psoriasis, where the rash moves to the back of the hands.

Nail psoriasis

Manifestations of the disease on the nails diverse. Doctors there are two main types of the lesion. The first – type thimble: in the plate there are small dents, as if the marks of injury by the needle.

Second – the type of fungal infection onychomycosis: the affected nails thicken, become yellowish, flake off. If you look good, then through the nail plate you can see the stain is a papule, bordered by a reddish rim.

Psoriasis in children

They have the disease begins differently than adults, especially infants. There is no typical symptom of a rash of papules with scales. In skin folds, knees, elbows, buttocks appear circumscribed redness. And then in this place, starting from the edges, separated the top layer of skin. These symptoms are often mistaken for symptoms of yeast infection or diaper rash.

In older children the rash may occur in atypical for psoriasis: in skin folds, face, genitals. Often plaques are formed where skin rubs against clothing.

Features of psoriasis

Unfortunately, the disease is difficult to cure, gives frequent relapses. The psoriasis affects not only the skin and nails. This disease is systemic, it can lead to disturbances in the thyroid gland, kidneys, liver, nervous, endocrine, immune systems.