Suburban area is a good investment Finance. Besides, this is a great place for a summer vacation, the ability to grow fruits and vegetables or even have animals, and thereby significantly reduce the cost of food and, of course, the opportunity to escape from the bustle of the city at any time of the year. But in order to realize all these dreams, you need to choose a country site and the time of its purchase.

When to buy a cottage

Especially a lot of proposals on the market of suburban areas, usually in the spring. In anticipation of the beginning garden work is a lot like wanting to buy a house and wanting to sell it. But the land value increases many times, as there is a demand. The most expensive and always will be those areas that are located in the immediate vicinity of the city or its precincts. Villas in the city are becoming most often for growing vegetables and fruit, the breeding of small animals, such as birds or rabbits. Cottages in the 10-30 km from city suitable for summer holidays and accommodation.

In autumn, the plots are much cheaper. Besides, buying the most convenient, as it is possible to appreciate the efficiency of fruiting garden, for example, or to ensure that the area is not noisy, the air is not contaminated with exhaust gases, and the nearby water reservoirs are regularly cleaned and no traces of industrial wastewater. In winter the cottages are worth even less, but to examine them in detail and assess their quality is very difficult.

How to choose the country

Before proceeding to the choice of a suburban area, it is important to determine what exactly he is acquired. Plot of land for growing vegetables is better to buy already cut for this land. For those who like fruits, you need to pay attention to the condition of fruit trees, their age and grooming.

If the cottage needs only to stay, within walking distance must be clean ponds, forest plantations, and the ideal is a site with a small pond or installed on site swimming pool.

In any case, it is important to pay attention to the quality of access roads, the availability of communications that are important for comfort, for example, electricity, water, gas, telephone lines or even mobile communication is of good quality.

The area should be, except for home, sheds for tool storage, bath or fixed shower, a toilet, if not in the house. Attention should be paid, of course, safety and wear of country houses, fences, if the buyer is not ready to invest more in repairs and construction.

What documents must be provided by the seller of a suburban area

To invest savings in the plot, which is not provided with the necessary package of documents is not just impossible, but also dangerous. There is a risk to remain without money, and without questioning. To make the transaction of purchase and sale need in estate Agency or a notary which must choose the buyer. The package of documents on ownership of the suburban area includes: certificate of ownership of land and buildings, the certificate stating that at no one is registered, the extract from the state register of property owners of the established sample.