Causes of age spots
Most often spots appear in women during pregnancy. However, they can be associated with diseases of the liver, adrenal glands, ovaries and other organs. In addition, dark spots can occur in severe chronic diseases.
There are cases when this problem is not accompanied by health problems. The causes can hide in continuous use soap, Cologne or other cosmetic products that irritate the skin. Pigmentation of the skin may occur in connection with the operation of gasoline, mineral oils, and prolonged exposure to the sun.
Getting rid of age spots folk remedies
Excellent tool in the fight against pigment spots is parsley juice. Pressed greens, it is applied on the spots. Alternatively, the juice can be mixed with honey, milk or lemon in a 1:1 ratio.
The desired effect cucumber juice. Rubbing on a grater a cucumber pulp should be applied on a gauze mask and apply to face for 20 minutes. This procedure should be carried out daily. In addition, it is useful during the day, wipe clean the skin with cucumber peel, or a piece of cucumber.
Great folk remedy for age spots is lemon. It has a bleaching effect. First, the skin can be cleaned with a homemade tonic. It is made of 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in half a glass of distilled water. You can also do mask, face smeared with a fat cream and put on top of slices of lemon for 20 minutes.
To whitening remedies is yogurt. Regular lotions from this product make your skin whiter, so the pigmentation will be less visible.
Good effect in skin problems have a mask out of berries (currants, strawberries, strawberries). Leather can be wiped with pieces of berries, and you can crush them and apply on face as a mask.
Help with pigmentation mask with onion juice. A mixture prepared from onion juice and liquid honey in case of dry skin or 6% vinegar for oily. Mix proportions of 1:1.
You can try to get rid of age spots using a mask from hell. For its preparation must grate the horseradish and mix it with chopped green Apple (1:1).
Getting rid of pigmentation contributes to the carrot mask. It is prepared from grated carrots (tablespoon) mixed with egg yolk and cream (tablespoon).