Before you get rid of age spots on face at home, make sure that you don't have any diseases. For example, the presence of pigmentation on neck and cheeks suggests possible liver disease and forehead – on the diseases of the Central nervous system. Common spots in the mouth area and chin are a sign of problems with digestion. It's best to visit a dermatologist and therapist to learn the true cause of the spots.
Start getting rid of age spots with proper nutrition. Eat more foods containing vitamin C is a natural lightener of the skin. For example, drink juice of citrus fruits and consume fruit fresh, make a syrup of rose hips and ascorbic acid. In 2-3 weeks you will see the first positive results.
The most effective means to get rid of age spots on face at home are those that are well cleanse and whiten the skin, restoring its natural color. The most simple and accessible means – the decoction of chamomile, which you just need to wash my face twice a day. Well as fights pigmentation face mask from grated carrots – apply it on the skin and keep for half an hour. Finally, at night you can RUB the face lightening lotion from fresh milk, and alcohol in the proportion of 3 to 1.
There are special funds for those who need urgently to remove dark spots. Try to RUB in each of the age spots a solution of two drops of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide until their clarification. You can also prepare a special lotion for daily use. Crush in an enamel pot 100 g parsley and add 500 ml of boiling water. Insist under the lid for 15 minutes, then let cool, add a few drops of lemon juice and pour into a glass container. Store in a dark place. Lighten the skin this lotion in just a week if you use it 3 times a day.
Use professional makeup, also allowing you to quickly get rid of spots on face at home. These include various creams, masks, tonics, peels and concentrates. Each brand uses a special method of skin lightening. For example, Danne uses acids, wheat germ oil and soybean oil; Lacrima - fruit acids; Decleor - essential oil complex and vitamin C, Academie - cucumber and lemon extracts and alphahydroxyacids. Pretty well-known serum against pigmentation Institut Esthederm containing mulberry root extract and grapefruit, as well as extracts of bearberry leaves, licorice and white birch.