
"Omega-3" is recommended to be taken for the prevention and treatment of several diseases. In particular, this tool is appointed for the treatment of atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and obesity. Also, this additive is indicated for the prophylaxis of thrombosis, atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases, ischemia of the heart and brain. Also, the drug omega-3 is effective for skin diseases, including eczema and psoriasis.

Usage instructions

Supplement omega 3 is taken orally with water. Single dose for adults and children over 12 years is 2 capsules. Children 7-12 years of age should be given 1 tablet means. Drink omega 3 should be 3 times a day. As a rule, 1 capsule of this Supplement contains 500 mg of fish oil. In the case that the content of active ingredients is 1000 mg and more number of tablets should be reduced to 1 for the reception.

The maximum daily dose for adults is 3000 mg. Children can be given the means only at a dosage of 500 mg. When used capsules with a high dosage frequency of administration can be reduced to 2 times a day. In this case, make "omega-3" is recommended in the first half of the day.

Drink capsules "omega-3" is possible after or during a meal. In the first variant of the drug should be consumed 30 minutes after a meal, it is more preferable, since in this case the vitamins are absorbed better. To use "omega-3" during meals is recommended in order to prevent gastrointestinal disorders.

To therapy gave a positive result, it is important to take omega-3. It is important to observe the duration of the reception facilities. Therapy need to last for 3 months. If necessary, the treatment can be continued in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.


Supplement omega 3 should not be taken by people allergic to its components. This tool is contraindicated in acute infectious diseases of the intestine and stomach, including the hemorrhagic syndrome. With precautionary medication prescribed for the risk of development of hemorrhage.

Children under 7 years of age to take these capsules should not because of too high dosages. Lactating and pregnant women to drink "omega-3" only after the consultation with the doctor who will determine the need for this therapy and in case of availability of indications will prescribe the dosage.

Sometimes when consuming omega-3 can cause nausea, vomiting, belching, diarrhea, allergic skin reactions. If you notice such effects, the daily dose should be reduced to a minimum.