To cut any object in Paint, it must first be allocated. To do this use the button with the corresponding name from the bottom of which is the black triangle that opens the settings list. The selection can be of two types: rectangular and arbitrary. The latter is useful when the part of the pattern is closely surrounded by other objects that should not fall into the allocated region. In the settings you can select "Select all" – in this case will copy the entire image. This command replaces pressing the keyboard buttons Ctrl+A. In the next figure can be inserted into another, pre-compressing and making part of the collage.
By clicking on the button selection, you need to put the cursor on the border of the crop area, hold down the left mouse button to circle the object contour. It made a circle around him, the mouse button is released. Held outline disappears, giving place to a wide rectangle with dotted sides. Next, you need to put your cursor inside this rectangle, click the right mouse button and choose from the context menu, the string "Cut". To the left of the taskbar is the same team, denoting the same action.
Cutting out the object, the user will receive a blank white area, which later will need to upload a background or to fill in a different pattern, if the file is needed and will not be putting it in the trash. In the future, cut out part of pictures can be inserted both in the same image, or in a separate outdoor Paint file. So use a graphics editor to make collages or a single picture is completed with parts from another, for example, in the transfer of one person's face on a completely different photo.
In the allocation options that are opened by pressing the arrows below Highlight, there is a line "Transparent selection". Putting a tick next to it, the user spent moving the loop inside the object, inserts are not all separated by the line region, and only located inside the shape. The only condition is a clean white background. If the circuit will affect at least the edge of another object, such a transparent move will fail. You can highlight as a rectangle, and an arbitrary line. If objects located on a uniform background of a different color, you can change it to white, and then cut and paste in other place again to change color.