The postcode is a special code designating the post office at place of residence. It is machine-readable: thus, the presence of the zip code on letters, postcards, parcels and other shipments significantly speeds up the process of shipment.

Receiving information about the index in the post office

The most obvious way to find out its index in the place of residence is a visit to the nearest post office: for sure you take a walk in your neighborhood, or rushing for groceries at the store, saw the entrance to it, marked white-blue sign of "Mail of Russia". The index of the post office will be written on the doors, however, if you are not sure that you have correctly identified the correct figures, ask any operator: it will provide you with the required information.

This method is simple and reliable, but has significant disadvantages: first, you will need to spend time on a visit to the post office, and secondly, if you decide to clarify the necessary information from the operator, you need to visit the institution during working hours. This may not be always convenient. However, there is another way to learn your index post.

To obtain information about the index online

It's about getting the right information through the Internet. Typing in the search line of any dedicated system request "postcode", you will receive links to a large number of sites containing the required information. However, the most reliable way to determine the index in online mode is to check this information directly on the website of "Mail of Russia".

In order to produce such a test, just go to the "Search post offices". To enter it from the home page: on the left, under the logo of "Russian Post", you will see an orange bar, "Services": select the link "Advanced search" underneath it which will allow you to find the right post office.

By clicking on the link, you will be able to find information about your office, including its index. For this you need to choose the "Search by address" and enter in search bar the address of your place of residence, and then click button "Find". As a result, you will see full information about your organisation: a combination of 6 digits which will be your index by place of residence, address and a phone number where you can get additional information if you need it