To remove the banner with Adblock Plus

Almost any pop-up advertisements, including advertising banners, blocks the program Adblock Plus. To install this extension, you must go to the website On the page that is immediately visible to a large green button "Install for" and then spelled out the browser that you are using to access the Internet. You need to click on the Install button and then confirm the installation. On different browsers is slightly different installation procedure, in any case, you must either confirm the install or to allow, clicking on the appropriate button. After you install this program, update the website page Vkontakte.

Remove the banner, removing the extension from your browser

There are some kinds of ads that Adblock Plus can not block. It's just that most advertising, which may emerge from the sides, top and bottom. These banners often, and randomly appear on your screen while visiting site Vkontakte, it is very distracting and unnerving. The cause of these are the extensions installed in your browser. The interesting thing is that you don't have to remember the fact you install such extensions. As a rule, they are installed on your browser in addition to some downloadable software. Below these banners disappeared and would not hurt you, it is necessary to remove these unwanted extensions from your browser settings.

In the browser Google Chrome in the upper right corner click "customize and control Google Chrome then select "Settings" on the left and from the list select "Extensions". This tab displays all extensions installed on your browser. Disable unnecessary extension by unchecking the checkbox next to "Enabled". Then refresh the page Vkontakte. Banners will disappear.

If you installed multiple extensions, disable them one by one, thus updating the page. In Mozilla Firefox to disable the extensions menu, first choose "Tools", then "add-Ons". In the opened window disable unnecessary extensions. To remove banners Facebook in Opera browser in the menu choose "Extensions", then select "Manage extensions" here and click "Disable" next to the selected extension.

If after all the procedures listed above, the advertising banners on the website Vkontakte do not disappear, then most likely your computer is infected with a virus. In this case, you must scan your system with your anti-virus software to detect problem areas. You can also use the functionality of the program Ccleaner.